I don’t know if you’ve seen the article about Holly Madison saying she is going to encapsulate her placenta and take it after she gives birth. It’s been all over my Facebook newsfeed. If you haven’t, you can click on the blue text and you can read an article on it. I mean really, who eats their placenta? It’s just a crazy celebrity thing, not something a normal person a normal person would do, right?
Normal people do encapsulate their placenta. How do I know this? Because I did. I’ll do it again too, with my next child. Did you know that some people actually eat it raw, in a smoothie? That was a little much for me. Having it in a capsule form is much more convenient and less ick for me. (In case you’re wondering, the red capsules are cherry flavored and the clear ones are plain. I prefer the plain ones!)
You’re probably thinking “Less ICK? Are you KIDDING me? WHY would you do such a thing?” That’s a good question. There are several benefits from taking your placenta. They include a decrease in baby blues/postpartum depression, an increase in breast milk, increase in energy, decrease in lochia (postpartum bleeding) and iron deficiency and a decrease in insomnia/sleeping disorders. I was very concerned that I was going to have PPD (postpartum depression) after Munchkin was born. I had asked The Man and my mom to be on the look out for it. I wanted to have the placenta on hand to help out with it in case I needed it.
I feel that taking my placenta did help. I think it did help with energy and milk production, and my bleeding was light (though lasted for several weeks.) I didn’t take all my capsules right after Munchkin was born and in the months since I’ve taken them whenever I’ve felt tired. I can see a difference.
I was right to be concerned about the PPD. I didn’t get it right after the baby was born. I have it now. That’s why I haven’t been posting much. I think I’m starting to come out the other side but it’s still hard. I’m seeing a counselor and The Man has cut back his schedule to be home more to help me out. I also started taking my placenta again and it helped. It’s AMAZING. I can’t tell you what a difference it has made. It has helped me get out of the fog and to have some energy again.
So while I know this grosses some of you out, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I get that’s it not for everyone but you don’t have to be negative about it (someone told me they consider cannibalism. Really?!?) I kept it a secret because I didn’t want to deal with people’s reaction. I’m at the point though, where I don’t care, especially if it could help someone. Some women save them and take them during menopause, which I’ve also heard is very beneficial.
I got 162 capsules out of my placenta and I’m almost out. It will be a sad, sad day in this house when they are all gone. In case you’re wondering, I didn’t do it myself. My doula did it for me and I had them about a day and half after giving birth. I started taking them while I was still in the hospital. I store them in my fridge in that pretty blue jar.
I think that if you’ve had PPD before, or a history of depression, this is something for you to consider. Not that you HAVE to do it, but just think about it and do a little research.
Did you encapsulate your placenta?
If not, is it something you would consider?
Why or why not?